
     Teufelsbrücke Schollenen Gorge is located opposite the picturesque Reuss valley in the canton of Uri in Switzerland. According to legend, it is very difficult to build a bridge here.

     The Schöllenen Gorge is an important access route and the shortest transit to the St. Gotthard Pass, but it was generally not used until the early 13th century because it involved crossing the turbulent Reuss river, swollen with snowmelt during the early summer. The first bridge across the river was built in 1230. It was a wooden bridge and needed frequent maintenance.

     In the 16th century, the wooden bridge was replaced by a stone arch bridge. The road was essentially a mule track that only allowed for the transportation of goods by mule, up to the beginning of the 19th century. In 1799, this bridge witnessed one of the most dramatic battles of Suvorov's Italian and Swiss expedition which took place during the Napoleonic Wars. During this battle the bridge was heavily damaged by the retreating French army. The bridge gave away in a storm in 1888.

     A new bridge was built in 1820 and it took 10 years to complete, demonstrating the difficulty of the task. By the middle of the 20th century, the second bridge was no longer able to handle the volume of traffic it received, and a concrete bridge, featuring two lanes was built in 1958 to accommodate heavier flow. The second devil's bridge still exists today but is not used.

     In 1994, the Swiss government issued a commemorative coin for the Teufelsbrücke. The obverse features a stylized scene of the devil holding the devil's stone - the Teufelsstein - approaching the bridge to smash it. The 220 ton rock, allegedly picked up by the devil, is still there, though it had to be moved by 127 meters in order to make room for the new Gotthard road tunnel.


     Kondyor a perfectly circular mountain range in eastern Siberia. From areas like craters or crater of an extinct volcano but Kondyor Massif is neither. It is what geologists refer to as an "intrusion".

     An intrusion forms when molten magma of igneous rock crystallizes below the surface of the earth, and is slowly pushed up through the earth's mantle, a process that can take millions of years. As the rock slowly cools into a solid, the different parts of the magma crystallize into minerals. Because the magma solidify underground before they reach the surface of the crust, they are also called "plutons", in honor of the Roman god Pluto, the king of the underworld.

     Kondyor a diameter of about 10 kilometers from the ridge to a height of 600 meters Kondyor is unique not only because of its unusual structure. But for mineral veins within it - gold, silver, platinum and many other rare minerals.

     Kondyor Mountains are a major source of gold, and was the site of a large gold mine. Mining started here in 1984 and until 2011 the mine Kondyor has produced about 85 tonnes of gold, more outstanding features and mineral abnormalities of deposits is the presence of crystalline crude platinum alloy steel. coated with gold Kondor Mountains also have their own special mineral called Konderite mixture of copper, platinum, rhodium, lead and sulfur.


     Grassholm The island is uninhabited small, just 200 meters off the southwest coast of Pembrokeshire in the Welsh. This tiny island is home to one of the largest colonies of gannets. During the breeding season, from April to. September, some 39,000 pairs of birds, accounting to 10% of the world's population, nest on the northern side of the island. Consequently, this side of the island is covered with a thick layer of bird droppings, also known as guano, giving the. island its characteristic off-white color. From afar, the island looks very much like a bun sitting on the ocean with icing sugar on top. As you approaches the island by boat, the stench becomes overbearing.

     Grassholm is made up of basalt, an igneous rock of volcanic origin. It's believed that the island was once a part of Skomer Island before it got loose during the last Ice Age.

     During the late 16th century Puffins inhabited the island in tens of thousands, however, now there are none. The current soil condition does not support burrows that these birds make, which is perhaps why they moved to the nearby Skomer and Skokholm Islands. Gannets have now colonized the island in huge numbers, probably arriving from Lundy island where they were disturbed. Grassholm covers only 22 acres and there are at least 80,000 Gannets plus their chicks, as well as small colonies of Guillemots, Razorbills, Kittiwakes and Shags.

     The gannets were first mentioned on the island in 1860 and in 1872, 12 pairs where recorded as breeding there. By the 1890's there were 200 or more and in 1905 Cardiff Naturalists Society recorded 300 breeding pairs. Gannet population has been steadily increasing since.

     Interestingly, the guano had killed the dense mattress of grass in this island exposing archaeological remains of settlements from the Iron Age and early Medieval periods.

Mocona Falls

     Mocona Falls is a waterfall that cascades down to the front as usual, most do. It runs the length of the river, with water spilling out the sides into the valley three kilometers long, it could be a waterfall in the world that runs parallel to the river, rather than perpendicular.

     Mocona Falls is located on the river in the province of Misiones in Argentina, Uruguay, 337 km from 322 km away from the city of Posadas and Iguazu Falls. Since the Uruguay River serves as a natural border between Argentina and Brazil geological feature is unique is to be shared by the two countries named mocona means "to swallow everything" in English, and most are used in Argentina. Yucumã means "The Fall" and is popular in Brazil.

     The unusual appearance of the Uruguay River Canyon is the presence of a submerged pipe at the bottom of the river. Valley, which is believed to have occurred during the last ice age, when the climate is dry and the river narrows to 100 meters deep and 15-30% of the width of the river. Canyon is only visible in two places, one of which is Mocona Falls.

     Mocona Falls depends on the amount of water drawn from the Uruguay River, the height of the falls varies from 5-7 meters wide under the Falls also has a water content of between 1,800 meters and 3,000 meters wide.

     Mocona Falls, great for water activities such as white water rafting to canoeing, kayaking and safaris along the river and creeks around the area.

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