Bungle Bungle Range

The Bungle Bungle vary, in Purnululu park, is one among the foremost fascinating geologic landmarks in Western Australia. The vary options distinctive beehive-shaped arenaceous rock towers and conglomerates alternately stripy in orange and black bands. The rocks rises up to 578 metres on top of water level, and stand two hundred to three hundred metres on top of a ground and grassy plain, with steep cliffs on the western face. From associate aeroplane, the Bungle Bungle vary is associate imposing sight.

The substance rocks of Bungle Bungle were fashioned within the Ord Basin 375 to 350 million years agone, once active faults were neutering the landscape. The combined effects of wind from the Tanami Desert and precipitation over immeasurable years formed the domes. though the formation seems solid, the arenaceous rock is very fragile. the load of superjacent rock holds the sand grains in situ, however once this can be removed, the sandstones square measure simply scoured. The rounded ace replicate this lack of internal strength. Water flowing over the surface can exploit any weaknesses or irregularities within the rock, like cracks or joints, and speedily erodes the slender channels that separate the towers.

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