Blue Lake

Blue Lake (Rotomairewhenua in Māori) may be a little H2O lake in Viscount Nelson Lakes park, within the northern reaches of recent Zealand's Southern Alps. during a study conducted in 2011, researchers of the National Institute of Water and part analysis (NIWA) have found that the lake has extreme visual clarity of up to eighty meters, that is taken into account nearly as "optically clear" as H2O. The visibility of Blue Lake even surpasses that of the famed Te Waikoropupu Springs in Golden Bay that includes a visibility of sixty three meters.

Blue Lake is characterised by blue-violet hues seen solely within the terribly clearest natural waters. The lake is spring fed from the neighboring glacial Lake Constance, however the water passes through landslide dust that forms a dam between the 2 lakes. The natural dam filters out nearly all the particles suspended within the water giving the lake the foremost intense natural blue-violet color.

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