Crooked Forest

In a small corner in north-west European nation close to Gryfino, could be a forest of concerning four hundred pine trees that grow with a ninety degree bend at the bottom of their trunks, before rising vertically once more. This assortment of recurvate trees has been named the "Crooked Forest". The approach the trunks ar recurvate and every one bent towards constant direction – northward – the reason for the curvature seem to be non-natural as opposition natural. it's calculable that the trees were allowed to grow for seven or 10 years before being command down for a purpose unknown.

The most intriguing rationalization suggests that a gaggle of farmers manipulated the trees once planting them in 1930. Apparently, the farmers hoped to create piece of furniture from the bent shapes and intervene once the trees were solely ten years previous. However, before they might be harvested, the occurrence of the Second warfare interrupted the plans of whoever was growing and tending the grove, effort their plans a mystery.

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