El Angel Ecological Reserve

El Angel may be a tiny village set within the province of Carchi, in Ecuador, just about a hundred and seventy kilometer north of national capital and set on the border with South American country. The village is found during a distinctive style of high altitude, wet plain referred to as “paramo” characteristically found within the range of northern Republic of Ecuador and southern South American country. The El Angel Ecological Reserve lies at nearly twelve,000 to 15,600 feet on top of water level and covers a locality of fifteen,700 hectares of the paramo. a various vary of plants grow during this region, hr of that area unit found obscurity else within the world. the foremost notable among them is frailejones (Espeletia pychnophyla) an enormous member of the flower family, endemic to the world. The frailejon may be a branchy woody plant with broad, gray-white, furry leaves and yellow flowers, which can reach a height of up to 6 feet over the course of its life. They cowl eighty fifth of the reserve, disposition the paramo of El Angel its putting look and gray-green color.

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